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Dans un souci de transparence et d’information, le BFP publie régulièrement les méthodes et résultats de ses travaux. Les publications sont organisées en séries, entre autres, les perspectives, les working papers et planning papers. Certains rapports peuvent également être consultés ici, de même que les bulletins du Short Term Update publiés jusqu’en 2015. Une recherche par thématique, type de publication, auteur et année vous est proposée.

Documents (66)


  • Analyse du secteur Horeca 23/12/2004

    Cette étude propose une analyse détaillée du secteur Horeca. Outre un aperçu de la démographie des entreprises, elle présente l’importance du secteur Horeca dans l’économie belge, ainsi que son évolution depuis le milieu des années nonante. La production de services Horeca nécessitant une main d’œuvre importante, une attention particulière est portée aux aspects d’emploi. Cette étude fait appel à des données provenant des Comptes nationaux 1995-2003 et aux tableaux entrées-sorties 2000, complétés par des bases de données administratives et des données d’enquêtes.

    Working Papers - Working Paper 21-04  Publication(fr), Publicatie(nl),

  • STU 02-04 : Special Topic - What is the future for the industrial sector in Belgium? 26/05/2004

    The medium-term outlook for Belgium is pointing towards a GDP growth rate of 2.2% during the 2004-2009 period, which is slightly higher than potential (2.0%). This favourable development is due to both net exports and domestic demand. Private consumption should become more dynamic during the 2005-2009 period, particularly thanks to the increase in households’ disposable income (especially due to tax reforms and increases in employment and social benefits). Investment growth should attain 2.9% during the 2004-2009 period, mainly reflecting the increase in business investment. After ini-tially accelerating in 2004, average export growth should be 5.4% and the contribution of net exports to GDP growth should be 0.2%. Thanks to limited increases in wages and import costs and a negative output gap during the first few years of the projection, the inflation rate will remain below 2% in the medium term.

    The development of employment should reflect the favourable macroeconomic context, the limited in-creases in wage costs and various policy measures. After net losses in 2002 and 2003 and the creation of almost 9,000 jobs in 2004, about 30,000 jobs should be created every year during the 2005-2009 period. Industrial employment should fall by 44,000 persons during the 2004-2009 period and the number of jobs created in market services should exceed 200,000. Nevertheless, given the increase in the labour force (mainly in the 50-64 age class) the number of unemployed will barely decrease at all. The unemployment rate (broad administrative statistics) is still increasing in 2004 (from 14.1% to 14.4%), but will subsequently fall to 13.5% in 2009.

    The public accounts are expected to show a clear deterioration, with a net public sector borrowing re-quirement appearing in 2004 and widening to 1.4% in 2006 before gradually declining to 0.7% by the end of the projection period.

    Séries clôturées - Short Term Update 02-04  Publication(en),

  • L’industrie a-t-elle un avenir en Belgique ? 20/04/2004

    Avec le ralentissement de la croissance depuis 2001 et l’augmentation du chômage qui a suivi, la question de l’avenir de l’industrie en Belgique est posée une nouvelle fois. A chaque récession, cette question est posée avec acuité parce que des entreprises industrielles, souvent de taille importante, disparaissent et qu’avec elles, disparaissent aussi un certain nombre d’emplois, un know how et une capacité de production. Des demandes de soutien de l’industrie sont adressées au Gouvernement.

    Working Papers - Working Paper 10-04  Publication(fr),


  • Une analyse économique de la production et de la distribution de boissons alcoolisées 10/11/2003

    Cette étude présente l’évolution de la production et de la demande de boissons alcoolisées en Belgique entre 1995 et 2000. L’analyse porte également sur la contribution de la production et de la distribution de boissons alcoolisées au PIB. Ce travail est basé sur le tableau entrées-sorties de l’année 1995.

    Working Papers - Working Paper 20-03  Publication(fr), Publicatie(nl),

  • Quelques applications à l’aide du Tableau Entrées-Sorties 1995 30/10/2003

    Le tableau entrées-sorties (ou Input-Output) est un tableau qui fournit une description détaillée des activités de production intérieures et des opérations sur produits d’une économie. Il montre l’interdépendance entre les branches en indiquant les biens et services qui entrent dans la production d’autres biens et services, et les utilisations finales des produits. Il donne également la structure des coûts de production des branches.

    Working Papers - Working Paper 18-03  Publication(fr),

  • The Use Tables for Imported Goods and for Trade Margins - An Integrated Approach to the Compilation of the Belgian 1995 Tables 03/03/2003

    This paper describes the compilation of the use tables for imports of goods and for trade margins for Belgium in 1995. It introduces a methodological novelty by integrating the compilation of both tables and systematically exploiting the fact that large parts of intermediary consumption and investment (i.e. those directly imported by the using firms) as well as exports (the direct exports by producers) bear no trade margins.

    In order to do this we used intrastat and extrastat data on imports and exports of goods in 1995. The results of this approach differ significantly from those of a proportional distribution of imports and margins. Many statistical offices resort to this proportional distribution because of a lack of survey data on the destination of trade margins and imports. In Belgium the proportional approach is less appropriate because the product detail is too limited and the national account data are firm-based without distinguishing local kind of activities.

    Working Papers - Working Paper 04-03  Publication(en),


  • Evaluation des effets économiques de la faillite de la Sabena SA 15/03/2002

    Cette note répond à une demande du ministre de l’ économie. Elle vise à fournir une estimation des effets de la faillite de la Sabena sa sur l’activité économique belge.

    Pour rappel, la faillite de la Sabena sa est intervenue le 7 novembre 2001. La Sabena sa comptait à l’époque 7800 personnes et faisait partie avec Sabena Technics, dat, Sobelair et quelques autres filiales, du groupe Sabena qui au total, comptait plus de 12000 personnes. Après la faillite, s’est constitué un consortium d’investisseurs privés et publics chargé de récolter des fonds en vue de relancer une activité aérienne à partir de la dat.

    Working Papers - Working Paper 03-02  Publication(fr), Publicatie(nl),



  • STU 04-99 : Special Topic - The dioxin crisis: an applied input-output analysis 22/11/1999

    Since our July forecasts, a number of new developments inside and outside Belgium have occurred. Taking those elements into account, a rapid and tentative updating of our forecasts for 1999-2000 has been made.

    The first element concerns the good news stemming from the quarterly national accounts of a higher than expected GDP growth in the second quarter of 1999. As a result, over the first half of 1999, Belgian GDP growth reached 1.7% (yoy). The FPB GDP-leading indicator points to a further cyclical upturn in the second half of the year. It is also worth stressing that according to the information available today (in terms of value added, trade and unemployment), the impact of the dioxin crisis is still in line with the assumptions made in our July forecasts.

    All in all, GDP growth in 1999 has been revised upward from 1.7% to 1.9%.

    As prospects for the world economy are looking brighter now than four months ago and the 2000 Federal Budget is on an expansionary track, GDP growth in 2000 has been revised upward from 2.5% to 3.0%. Both developments are complementary - in the sense that the former primarily triggers exports, whereas the latter in the short-term mainly boosts private consumption- although the impact of the more favourable international environment on GDP growth is more important than the revision coming from the Budget 2000.

    The acceleration of Belgian export markets in 2000 should indeed be stronger than previously expected due to higher import growth experienced by our European trading partners as well as in the rest of the world, resulting in stronger export growth than estimated earlier.

    Compared to our July forecasts, the budgetary impulse for 2000 taken into account in these new forecasts is more than BEF 30 billion. At this stage, the simulation results in this field must be interpreted with caution. The most important effect of the measures should be seen in the area of private consumption, resulting from an increase in employment (reductions in social contributions) and accordingly in households’ real disposable income (reinforced by tax cuts and higher pensions).

    Séries clôturées - Short Term Update 04-99  Publication(en),



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