Page Title


To promote transparency and provide information, the Federal Planning Bureau regularly publishes the methods and results of its works. The publications are organised in different series, such as Outlooks, Working Papers and Planning Papers. Some reports can be consulted here, along with the Short Term Update newsletters that were published until 2015. You can search our publications by theme, publication type, author and year.

Documents presented at the Workshop "Economic analyses of the environment in Belgium, the Regions and Europe" [ ESA_2012_01 - ]

  • 001_F  : Intensité en énergie et en émissions des activités économiques en Belgique - Lies Janssen - Bureau fédéral du Plan
  • 001_N : Energie- en emissie-intensiteit van economische activiteiten in België - Lies Janssen - Federaal Planbureau
  • 002_N : Decompositie van CO2-emissies door Belgische producenten - Guy Vandille - Federaal Planbureau
  • 002_F : Décomposition des émissions de CO2 des producteurs belges - Guy Vandille - Bureau fédéral du Plan
  • 003_N : Emissielekken in België - Guy Vandille - Federaal Planbureau
  • 003_F : Fuites d’émissions en Belgique - Guy Vandille - Bureau fédéral du Plan
  • 004_F : Analyse des flux de matières en Wallonie - Isabelle BUCCELLA - SPW & Marco ORSINI - ICEDD
  • 005_N : Analyses op basis van het Vlaams milieu-input-outputmodel - Koen Smeets - OVAM
  • 006_E : Environmental-economic accounts in the European Union: results and analytical applications - Stephan Moll - Eurostat


Collective publication
A : Author, C : Contributor

  Publication type

Speeches & presentations


  Consult data







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