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The FPB not only publishes the results of its research, but also a set of databases. These databases can contain either historical data or forecasts.

NAM Multipliers 2010 [MULT_NAM_2010]



The multipliers presented here are output, factor income, household income and employment multipliers. They are derived from a model based on a National Accounting Matrix (NAM) for 2010, consistent with the 2010 input-output tables for Belgium published in December 2013 (ESA 1995).

These multipliers measure the effect of an exogenous final demand shock. They include, in addition to upstream effects through the purchase of intermediate inputs, induced effects through household income and consumption. They are presented at a level of disaggregation of 64 CPA 2008 product categories (P64).

The database comes with a user’s guide presenting the NAM and the model, and explaining the calculation and use of the NAM multipliers with an example.

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