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Labour demand equations

The impact of offshoring on employment in Belgium (Working Paper 01-09)

Labour market policy

Effect van beroepsopleidingen voor werklozen op de tewerkstellingsduur (Working Paper 12-06)

Labour market reform

The macro-economic effects of labour market reforms in the European Union - Some selected simulations with the NIME model. (Working Paper 12-04)

Labour participation rate

The macro-economic effects of labour market reforms in the European Union - Some selected simulations with the NIME model. (Working Paper 12-04)

Labour productivity

Arbeidskosten, loonsubsidies, arbeidsproductiviteit en opleidingsinspanningen van ondernemingen
Coût salarial, subventions salariales, productivité du travail et effort de formation des entreprises (GECE_EGCW_1301)

Comparaison des composantes de la croissance de la productivité : Belgique, Allemagne, France et Pays-Bas 1996-2007 (Working Paper 18-10)

Market services labour productivity growth in three small European countries: Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands (Working Paper 14-07)


Network Industry Reform in Belgium: Macroeconometric versus General-Equilibrium Analyses (Working Paper 10-06)

Life expectancy

Quotients de mortalité prospectifs par sexe et unisexes / Prospectieve sterftequotiënten per geslacht en uniseks (Working Paper 18-09)

Life satisfaction

What matters to Belgians ? Analysis of the determinants of individual well-being in Belgium (Working Paper 04-17)

Lisbon strategy for growth and employment

The NIME Economic Outlook for the World Economy 2005 - 2011 (Also in this issue: the Lisbon Strategy) (Working Paper 02-05)

Long-term care

The Belgian long-term care system (Working Paper 07-10)

Long-term energy projections

Bon vent: setting sail for a climate neutral Belgian energy system – Future Belgian offshore wind unravelled (Working Paper 08-21)

Vingt ans de perspectives énergétiques à long terme - Une analyse rétrospective
Twintig jaar langetermijnenergievooruitzichten - Een retrospectieve analyse (FOR_ENERGY2020_12251)

Fuel for the future - More molecules or deep electrification of Belgium's energy system by 2050 (Working Paper 04-20)

Le paysage énergétique belge à l’horizon 2050 - Perspectives à politique inchangée
Het Belgische energielandschap tegen 2050 - Een projectie bij ongewijzigd beleid (EFEN2017)

2030 Climate and Energy Framework for Belgium - Impact assessment of a selection of policy scenarios up to 2050 (Working Paper 03-15)

Walking the green mile in Employment - Employment projections for a green future (Working Paper 07-13)

Analyse de l’adéquation de la production électrique en Belgique à l’horizon 2030 - Analyse basée sur les scénarios du projet d’EPE2 (Working Paper 04-13)

Perspectives énergétiques pour la Belgique à l’horizon 2030
Energievooruitzichten voor België tegen 2030 (EFEN2011)

Impact of the EU Climate-Energy Package on the Belgian energy system and economy - Update 2010 Study commissioned by the Belgian federal authority (Working Paper 09-11)

Impact of the EU Energy and Climate Package on the Belgian energy system and economy - Study commissioned by the Belgian federal and three regional authorities (Working Paper 21-08)

Long-term forecasting

Suburbanisation and transport: alternative demographic scenarios for the PLANET model (Working Paper 06-23)

Vehicle stock modelling in long term projections - Survey of the literature (Working Paper 08-17)

Analyse de politiques de transport : rapprochement des accises sur les carburants et Eurovignette III (Working Paper 02-11)

Long-term pension expenditure

Economic Policy Committee’s Ageing Working Group – Belgium: Country Fiche 2020 (REP_COUNTRYFICH2020)

Long-term projection

Alternative train offer in PLANET: impact on passenger transport by 2040 (Rep_12889)

Impact sur l’environnement de l’évolution de la demande de transport à l’horizon 2030
De milieu-impact van de evolutie van de transportvraag tegen 2030 (Working Paper 11-12)

Perspectives de l’évolution de la demande de transport en Belgique à l’horizon 2030
Vooruitzichten van de transportvraag in België tegen 2030 (FORTRANSP_01)

Analyse de l’impact de différents schémas théoriques d’une taxe routière en Belgique (Working Paper 14-09)

Vervoeremissies - Historische evolutie en vooruitzichten (Working Paper 08-09)

S3BE : un modèle macroéconomique de long terme pour l’économie belge (Working Paper 03-09)

Perspectives à long terme du transport en Belgique : Scénario de référence et deux scénarios alternatifs
Langetermijn vooruitzichten van transport in België: Referentiescenario en twee beleidsscenario’s (Working Paper 12-08)

Long-term transport projections

The PLANET model - Methodological Report: Modelling of Short Sea Shipping and Bus-Tram-Metro (Working Paper 16-10)

Low work intensity

The evolution of the risk of poverty in Belgium among the population under 60 years of age (Working Paper 06-21)

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