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Macroeconometric modelling

The bottom-up HERMREG model – A multiregional model of the Belgian economy (Working Paper 01-22)

Macroeconometric world model

An Evaluation of the Risks Surrounding the 2006-2012 NIME Economic Outlook : Illustrative Stochastic Simulations (Working Paper 02-06)

Monetary Policy, Asset Prices and Economic Growth in the World Economy over the 1995-2004 Period : A counterfactual simulation with the NIME Model (Working Paper 17-05)

The Macroeconomic Effects of an Oil Price Shock on the World Economy : A Simulation with the NIME Model (Working Paper 06-05)

Macroeconomic forecasts

Perspectives économiques 2022-2027 de février 2022
Economische vooruitzichten 2022-2027 van februari 2022 (Economic outlook 2022-2027 (Feb.))

A macro-econometric model for the economy of Lesotho (Working Paper 17-10)

Macroeconomic impact

Impact of the EU Climate-Energy Package on the Belgian energy system and economy - Update 2010 Study commissioned by the Belgian federal authority (Working Paper 09-11)

Hausse de la fiscalité sur l’énergie et baisse d’autres formes de prélèvement : résultats macroéconomiques (Working Paper 11-09)

Impact of the EU Energy and Climate Package on the Belgian energy system and economy - Study commissioned by the Belgian federal and three regional authorities (Working Paper 21-08)

Macroeconomic scenarios

Analysis of the macroeconomic effects of organising the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Belgium (Working Paper 08-10)

Macroeconomic simulation

Macroeconomic and fiscal effects of the draft National Recovery and Resilience Plan - Report to the Secretary of State for Recovery and Strategic Investments (REP 12401)

Market behaviour

Consumer prices in Belgium and its neighbouring countries: Policy issues (Working Paper 13-12)

Concurrentie in de Belgische distributie (Working Paper 15-10)

Market shares

Marktaandelen, concurrentievermogen en de lopende rekening (Working Paper 06-09)

Market structure

How strong does competition play in Belgian industries? (Article 015)

Concurrentie in de Belgische distributie (Working Paper 15-10)

Material flows

Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts 2008-2022 (REP_EWMFA2024_12991)

Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts 2008-2021 (REP_EWMFA2023_12810)

Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts 2008-2019 (REP_EWMFA2021_12543)

Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts 2008-2018 (REP_EWMFA2020_12250)


Productivity gains and spillovers from offshoring (Working Paper 05-11)

Medium-term projections

Évaluation de la précision des prévisions à court terme et des perspectives à moyen terme du BFP. Une mise à jour du Working Paper 05-20
Evaluatie van de nauwkeurigheid van de korte- en middellange-termijnvooruitzichten van het FPB. Een update van Working Paper 05-20 (Working Paper 07-23)

Évaluation de la précision des prévisions à court terme et des perspectives à moyen terme du BFP - Une mise à jour des Working Papers 12-17 et 13-17
Evaluatie van de nauwkeurigheid van de korte- en middellangetermijnvooruitzichten van het FPB - Een update van Working Papers 12-17 en 13-17 (Working Paper 05-20)

Accuracy assessment of the FPB medium-term outlooks - An update (Working Paper 13-17)


Growth and Productivity in Belgium (Working Paper 11-17)

Growth and Productivity in Belgium (Working Paper 17-08)

Growth and Productivity in Belgium (Working Paper 05-07)


Description and use of the model EXPEDITION (DC2024_WP_03)

Description and use of the PROMES model (DC2024_WP_01)

Regional child benefit reforms – An impact analysis with the microsimulation model EXPEDITION (Working Paper 04-21)

Adéquation des pensions et coût budgétaire du vieillissement: impacts de réformes et de scénarios alternatifs
Toereikendheid van het pensioen en budgettaire kosten van de vergrijzing: evaluatie van beleidsmaatregelen en van alternatieve scenario’s (Working Paper 22-10)

The long-term adequacy of the Belgian public pension system: An analysis based on the MIDAS model (Working Paper 10-10)

De financiële implicaties van langer werken : een Micro-Economisch Pensioenmodel (MEP) (Working Paper 15-05)

Migration intensity

Projection of internal migration based on migration intensity and preferential flows (Working Paper 10-16)

Minimum wages

Removing youth sub-minimum wage rates in Belgium: did it affect youth employment? (Working Paper 04-18)

Monetary easing

An assessment of the risks to the medium-term outlook of the Belgian international economic environment (Working Paper 12-03)

The international transmission of shocks - Some selected simulations with the NIME model (Working Paper 09-03)

Monetary policy

Monetary Policy, Asset Prices and Economic Growth in the World Economy over the 1995-2004 Period : A counterfactual simulation with the NIME Model (Working Paper 17-05)


The population at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Belgium - Projection until 2030 (Working Paper 12-16)

Monitoring van de relancestrategie van de Federale regering – Voortgangsverslag
Monitoring de la stratégie de relance du Gouvernement fédéral - Rapport d’avancement (OPREP201403)

Monitoring de la stratégie de relance du Gouvernement fédéral - Rapport d’avancement
Monitoring van de relancestrategie van de Federale regering - Voortgangsverslag (OPREP201401)

Monitoring de la stratégie de relance du Gouvernement fédéral - Rapport d’avancement
Monitoring van de relancestrategie van de Federale regering - Voortgangsverslag (OPREP201302)

Monitoring de la stratégie de relance du gouvernement fédéral - Rapport d’avancement
Monitoring van de relancestrategie van de Federale regering - Voortgangsverslag (OPREP201301)

Mortality table

COVID-19: geringe bevolkingsgroei in 2020 en 2021. De vergrijzing van de bevolking blijft op lange termijn aanwezig
COVID-19 : faible croissance de la population en 2020 et 2021. Le vieillissement de la population reste présent à long terme (FOR_DP20_12326)

Quotients de mortalité prospectifs par sexe et unisexes / Prospectieve sterftequotiënten per geslacht en uniseks (Working Paper 18-09)

Multinational companies

Internationalisering van de Belgische economie: analyse op basis van de filialen van Belgische ondernemingen in het buitenland tussen 1995-2005 (Working Paper 23-08)

Multiregional population projection

Multiregional Population Projection Model at the EU level (Working Paper 07-18)

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