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Om de huidige toestand van de Belgische economie te evalueren, actualiseert het FPB regelmatig een reeks indicatoren. Die indicatoren betreffen de macro-economische situatie van de economieën van België, zijn drie buurlanden en de eurozone, alsook de transportsector.

 Indicatoren : Domestic employment

The chart will appear within this DIV.
The chart will appear within this DIV.

Domestic employment

Growth rates in %

Euro area1.
(/) Growth Rates


Description: Employment covers all persons engaged in some productive activity (within the production boundary of the national accounts). Employed persons are either employees (working by agreement for another resident unit and receiving remuneration) or self-employed (owners of unincorporated enterprises). Domestic employment refers to the number of persons employed within the economic territory of the country of reference.

Unit: Growth rates in %

Source: Eurostat (euro area), NBB (Belgium), Destatis (Germany), INSEE (France), CBS (Netherlands)

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