Press releases
The last five databases
Belgium is highly dependent on non-EU countries for imports and exports of a very limited number of strategic goods. While the number of strategic goods imported has remained relatively constant between 2014 and 2023, the number of goods exported has increased significantly. A complete disruption of trade in these goods would have a limited impact on the Belgian economy. Nevertheless, direct and indirect dependence on China is increasing. These are the findings of a new publication by the Federal Planning Bureau (FPB).
Monthly evolution of the consumer price index and of the so-called health index, which is used for the price indexation of wages, social benefits and house-rent.
Bart Hertveldt has been appointed new head of the Sectoral Directorate of the Federal Planning Bureau (FPB) and has taken up the role on 1 December. Bart replaces Joost Verlinden, who retired after a 40-year career at the FPB. Bart joined the FPB in 1993 and since 2004 he has been an advisor to the Sectoral Directorate and coordinator of the team that draws up the input-output tables and environmental economic accounts for Belgium. In 2019 and 2024, he was one of the coordinators of the costing of election programmes.
Le Bureau fédéral du Plan (BFP) recrute un membre du rôle linguistique néerlandais au grade de Conseiller au Plan, qui sera en outre l’adjoint du Responsable de la Direction sectorielle.
L’économie belge devrait croitre de 1,1% en 2024 et de 1,3% en 2025. Les créations d’emplois s’élèveraient à 16 000 en 2024 et à 25 000 l’année prochaine. Le taux d’emploi progresserait à peine. L'inflation devrait encore atteindre 3,2% cette année et ne repasserait sous la barre des 2% qu’en 2025. Ces perspectives sont réalisées à politique constante et n'anticipent donc pas sur des mesures non encore décidées.
On 18 July 2024, the Federal Planning Bureau, the Brussels Institute for Statistics and Analysis (BISA), Statistics Flanders and the Walloon Institute for Evaluation (IWEPS) published their economic outlook for the three regions.
Le vieillissement augmente les dépenses sociales qui passent de 25,8% du Produit intérieur brut (PIB) en 2023 à 29,6% en 2050, pour atteindre 30,0% à l’horizon 2070. Les personnes âgées et les pensionnés courent un risque de pauvreté financière plus élevé que le reste de la population, mais celui-ci est largement réduit lorsqu’il est tenu compte de la propriété de l’habitation. Ceci ressort du Rapport annuel 2024 du Comité d’étude sur le vieillissement (CEV).
Le Bureau fédéral du Plan (BFP) a analysé le Plan fédéral de développement durable. Il en ressort qu'à mi-parcours, 50% des mesures sont en cours d'exécution, 22% en préparation et 2% sont en monitoring. 25% des mesures sont restées sans suite et 1% ne dispose pas d'informations suffisantes pour les évaluer. Par rapport à l'année dernière, le gouvernement fédéral a progressé dans la mise en œuvre du plan, mais pour atteindre les objectifs de développement durable (SDG), le prochain plan devra être plus ambitieux et les SDG devront servir de guide pour toutes les politiques.
We propose a methodology to determine for which goods Belgium’s imports and exports are highly concentrated among a limited number of non-EU countries, whether these goods are strategic and whether the dependence is persistent. We also look at indirect dependence within global supply chains and estimate the impact of potential disruptions on the Belgian economy.
This brief activity report summarises the main activities and key figures for 2023. The report covers staff and financial aspects, publications, projects, representations, etc. With this activity report, the Federal Planning Bureau aims to give you a better insight into what goes on behind the scenes and to increase the transparency of its work.
European Regulation No 691/2011 obliges the member states of the European Union to yearly deliver six environmental economic accounts to Eurostat. In this publication the National Accounts Institute presents the Environmental Goods and Services Sector accounts for the years 2014-2022.
This paper estimates the Armington elasticity for the Belgian economy for different levels of (dis)aggregation. At a highly disaggregated level covering about 4,500 HS products, the estimated value of the elasticity ranges from 1.12 to 70.69. Across CPA product groups, the value of the elasticity ranges from 2.40 to 16.63. The corresponding aggregate elasticity ranges from 1.98 to 2.48.
European Regulation No 691/2011 obliges the member states of the European Union to yearly deliver six environmental economic accounts to Eurostat. In this publication the National Accounts Institute presents the AEA for the years 2008-2022.
European Regulation No 691/2011 obliges the member states of the European Union to deliver six environmental economic accounts to Eurostat. In this publication the National Accounts Institute presents the PEFA for the years 2008-2022.
This activity report looks at the setting up of the SCPI, its achievements, its contribution to the public debate and the future work required after its first year of activity. This report is accompanied by an external evaluation, financed by the European Commission, which takes stock of the SCPI operation and makes recommendations for the future.
The national conference on public investment management yielded some important lessons about the situation in Belgium. In particular: the importance of more effort being made upstream of the political decision in preparing projects, the creation of a transversal coordination role, the introduction of multi-year budgeting and the taking into account of environmental issues.
Monthly evolution of the consumer price index and of the so-called health index, which is used for the price indexation of wages, social benefits and house-rent. (Last update : 03/12/2024)
To evaluate the current state of the Belgian economy, the FPB regularly updates a series of indicators. The indicators concern the macro-economic stance of the economies of Belgium, its three neighbouring countries and the euro area, as well as the transport industry.(Last update : 12/09/2024)