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Pour évaluer l’état actuel de l’économie belge, le BFP met à jour régulièrement une série d’indicateurs. Ces indicateurs portent sur la situation macroéconomique des économies de la Belgique, ses trois pays limitrophes et la zone euro ainsi que le secteur des transports.

 Indicateurs : Exchange rates

The chart will appear within this DIV.

Exchange rates

Averages of daily data

Bilateral exchange rates 
    USD per EUR1.
    UKP per EUR0.860.850.870.870.860.870.860.850.860.860.8606/24
    JPY per EUR129.85138.00151.91149.43157.23159.01161.17161.38162.80164.96168.5206/24
  Change compared to previous period (%) 
    USD per EUR3.69-10.942.631.50-0.07-1.120.90-1.060.69-1.260.7106/24
    UKP per EUR-3.28-0.852.03-1.49-1.180.83-1.21-0.530.070.15-0.1106/24
    JPY per EUR6.636.2710.
Nominal effective exchange rates 
  Indices (2008=100) 
    Euro area101.7798.74103.78103.25105.38105.08105.69105.38106.16105.98--06/24
    United States121.95130.77131.51130.38131.77133.36132.34132.76132.44133.88--06/24
  Change compared to previous period (%) 
    Euro area1.11-2.995.111.802.06-0.280.58-0.140.75-0.17--06/24
    United States-


Description: The bilateral exchange rates report the amount of foreign currency that has to be paid to obtain one euro. The nominal effective exchange rates (NEER) are the "broad indices" calculated by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). They are calculated as geometric weighted averages of bilateral exchange rates. The weighting pattern is time-varying and is based on trade flows. Note that the effective exchange rate of countries using the same currency (euro area countries for example) can be different due to divergent trade patterns.

Unit: bilateral exchange rates: averages of daily data, NEER: monthly indices

Source: European Central Bank (ECB, bilateral exchange rates), Bank for international Settlements (BIS, nominal effective exchange rates)

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