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 JEL GuideEconomische ontwikkeling, technologische veranderingen en groeiTechnologische veranderingAlgemeen [O30]


  • Estimation of inter-industry domestic and international R&D stocks for Belgium [20/07/2011]

    Deze Working Paper behandelt de raming van de directe, de binnenlandse intersectorale en de internationale O&O-voorraden voor 25 Belgische bedrijfstakken over de periode 1995-2007. Er worden twee categorieën voorraden opgesteld om potentiële rent spillovers en kennisspillovers te ramen. De binnenlandse intersectorale en de buitenlandse O&O-voorraden worden gewogen op basis van de aanbod- en gebruikstabellen en gegevens inzake internationale handel om de rent spillovers te ramen (via intermediaire consumptie) en op basis van matrices van internationale octrooicitaties voor de kennisspillovers.

    Working Paper 10-11
  • Les déterminants de l’innovation dans une petite économie ouverte : le cas de la Belgique
    Determinants of innovation in a small open economy: the case of Belgium [29/06/2008]

    Deze Working Paper onderzoekt, in samenwerking met een panel van vertegenwoordigers uit 20 Belgische marktsectoren over de periode 1987-2005, het verband tussen de groei van de multifactorproductiviteit (MFP) en drie bepalende factoren die in de economische literatuur aan bod komen: de R&D-inspanningen van de ondernemingen, de scholing van de arbeidskrachten en de verspreiding van de informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT). Deze analyse komt tot stand in het kader van het door Aghion en Howitt ontwikkelde model dat de evolutie van de MFP koppelt aan de afstand van de sector tot de mondiale technologische grens.

    Working Paper 11-08
  • Market services labour productivity growth in three small European countries: Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands [05/11/2007]

    In order to improve our understanding of the divergent evolutions that recently emerged between European countries in terms of labour productivity, this paper compares the labour productivity growth of three small open European countries: Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands. The analysis focuses on market services as they are the most important single factor that is responsible for the divergences. The comparison shows that, while Austria and Belgium recorded a decrease in their productivity growth between 1995 and 2004, the Netherlands followed the American pattern and has recorded an increase in their growth rate since 1995. The decomposition of labour productivity growth makes it possible to underline the important role played by total factor productivity (TFP) in the Dutch upsurge in productivity growth. The breakdown of the data by industry shows the importance of the Distribution sector in the Dutch performance. The growth of TFP observed in the Distribution sector is then linked to different potential determinants: ICT accumulation and use, labour qualifications, R&D and innovation and regulations.

    Working Paper 14-07
  • Innovatie en O&O in de Belgische gewesten in een Europees perspectief [28/06/2005]

    De working paper “Innovatie en o&o in de Belgische gewesten in een Europees perspectief” bestudeert zowel de rol van innovatie in de economische ontwikkeling als de verschillende componenten van het innovatiesysteem. Voor elk van de drie Belgische gewesten (het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, het Vlaamse Gewest en het Waalse Gewest) worden de sterke en minder sterke punten van de regionale innovatiesystemen nagegaan in een Europees perspectief.

    Working Paper 13-05
  • Assessing the contribution of ICT to sectoral economic growth in Belgium : a growth accounting analysis (1991-2000) [25/02/2004]

    The objective of this paper is to assess the impact of information and communications technology (ict) on economic performance at the sectoral level in Belgium over the period 1990-2000. The growth accounting approach used in the framework of the neoclassical growth theory for the study of the sources of economic growth will be adopted here in order to quantify the impact of ict use on output and labour productivity growth. Since annual data on ict capital stock are not readily available, we use data from a number of sources to construct this indicator at the sector level for Belgium over the period 1990-2000. Our findings should indicate (i) to which extent ict contributed to output and labour growth at the sectoral level in Belgium in the 1990s and (ii) whether industries making intensive use of ict performed better then non-intensive ict ones over the same period.

    Working Paper 07-04
  • ICT contribution to economic performance in Belgium: preliminary evidence -revision of WP 7-02 [08/10/2002]

    Working Paper 08-02
  • ICT contribution to economic performance in Belgium: preliminary evidence [22/07/2002]

    Working Paper 07-02
  • Production and diffusion of ICT in Belgium [15/01/2002]

    Working Paper 01-02
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